In a shocker of a news, a Varanasi elephant called ‘Mittu’ will be released on parole after 2 years. Mittu was charged for murder under IPC 302. We all have heard of humans being charged under various penal codes for their crimes against other humans, but in a rare incident, an animal was charged for a similar crime and served its time to be later released on parole.
The incident dates back to 2019, October when Mittu killed Ramshankar Singh, a Paranpura resident by crushing it. Later, a murder case was lodged against the elephant at the Baburi Police station. Mittu’s ‘mahawat’, a regional label given to someone who takes care and rides an elephant, was granted bail by the court. But Mittu was chained and tied up and was given an imprisonment sentence for life. Mittu was serving its imprisonment sentence at the Wildlife Conservation Complex in Ramnagar.
In a twist of fate, a police commissioner in the area saw Mittu’s story on social media. After restlessness and contemplation, he contacted Ramesh Pandey, a zoo director. Pandey assured him that Mittu will be in fact sent to the Dudhwa National Park and no difficulty will be faced in the task.
Kalua, the alcoholic punished solitary confinement for attacking 250 people
Although Mittu’s story may come as a shock and surprise to our readers, they should know that the elephant was not the only animal that was charged for crimes. Earlier Kalua, a monkey from India was also punished solitary confinement for attacking over 250 people and even killing 1 person.
The incident happened at the Kanpur Zoological Park where the zookeepers finally labelled the monkey too dangerous to live among its own kind and sentenced it to solitary confinement. According to reports, Kalua was an alcoholic that belonged to a tantric in Mirzapur. The local police believed that Mittu was given the regular diet of hard liquor and even monkey meat.
After the monkey’s owner died, the locals believed that it faced severe withdrawal symptoms and started attacking people on the streets. Kalua wreaked havoc on the streets and women and children felt especially unsafe. The primate also went on to evade some animal trappers and went to a forest in Mirzapur. Consequently, after a lot of effort, the trappers were able to capture this aggressive monkey.
Later, the 6-year-old primate was brought to the Kanpur Zoo where he showed his aggressive side to the zookeepers along with the monkeys.
The Zoo Doctor Mohd. Nazir spoke to the media where he said-
“We kept him in isolation for some months and then shifted him to a separate cage. There has been no change in his behavior and he remains as aggressive as he was. It has been three years since he was brought here, but now it has been decided that he will remain in captivity all his life.”