Actor-turned-philanthropist Sonu Sood was found bargaining for chappals’ in Srinagar. In a viral video Sood promoted shopping local and supporting local markets. The incident comes just a few weeks after Sood made buzz by selling eggs and bread on a cycle to support small businesses. The small business advocate keeps sharing videos of him interacting with business owners and has in the past too championed the idea of buying local.


In a video gone viral, Sonu Sood can be seen haggling with sandles next to a street vendor who claimed to be in the business of selling footwear on the streets for 10 years. Sood was apparently in Srinagar and as they say, you can take Sonu Sood out of Mumbai, but you can’t take humanitarian efforts out of Sood – no matter what city.

Also Read: Happy Birthday Sonu Sood: How the Small-Town Bollywood Actor Became Messiah of the Needy

“Theek Theek Rate Lagao Yaar”: Sood Bargains

Indian shoppers and bargaining go hand in hand. That remains true even if the shopper is an A-list celebrity known for his massive philanthropy outreach and efforts for years. Sonu Sood recently approached a street-footwear seller.

“Hi good evening, today I’m with Shameem Khan in Srinagar. And he has this wonderful sandal showroom,” Sood starts off with his pitch and then asks the owner, “Shameem brother, what do these children’s sandles sell for.” To which the owner of the business replies that the sandles cost Rs. 50. “You would not see such beautiful sandles for Rs. 50 anywhere else.”

Sood then goes on to ask how much the adult sandles cost, and he’s told they cost Rs. 120. Sonu quickly quips, “You won’t sell these for Rs. 20? Theek theek rate lagao yaar (quote a reasonable price, friend).”

Also Read: Sonu Sood sells bread, eggs on bicycle to promote small businesses, Says ‘Ekdum hit hai boss’

Get 20% Discount on My Name

The vendor then shows him a pair of sandles costing Rs. 50.

Sood then asks him how long has he owned the business for and the owner answers 10 years. Sood then says-

“Jisko bhi aana hai Shameem bhai ke paas wo idhar aayiye aur mera naam lenge toh Shameem bhai aap discount doge? Kitna percent discount (Whoever wants to visit, come here. Shameem brother, if people give my name, will you give them a discount? How much).”

Vendor replies 20% and Sood says, “20% discount mere naam pe” (You will get 20% discount if you give my name). Sood then wishes the vendor good luck and bids him a goodbye with a warm hug.

He captioned the video “Our Chappal Showroom 20%discount on my name #supportsmallbusiness #support #shoes #shoplocal #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness.”

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Sonu Sood – Championing the Cause for Local Business Owners

Known for his philanthropic gestures and efforts across India, especially after the COVID-19, Sonu Sood has recently been championing the cause of local business owners. As it is known to everyone, small business owners were put under an immediate stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recently, Sood launched an application Travel Union – intended to be the country’s first travel agent network. The application has been launched to empower small business owners who are in the travel industry.

Taking to Twitter, Sood wrote, Let’s change the future of the travel industry with @Travelunion_TU. Join me today in building India’s first rural travel agent network. Download the free app today and open the way to a successful tomorrow!”