Haridwar-based teenager Srishti Goswami is slated to become the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand for one day to mark National Girl Child Day. Goswami will swear in as the one-day Uttarakhand Chief Minister on Sunday, January 24.  

On the special occasion of National Girl Child Day, the Haridwar-based teenager Srishti will administer as Uttarakhand CM from the state’s summer capital Gairsain. Srishti Goswami is a resident of Daulatpur village in Haridwar. She is in the seventh semester of her BSc, Agriculture at the BSM PG College, Roorkee. According to reports, Goswami is also the Chief Minister of the Uttarakhand Bal Vidhan Sabha.  

The Uttarakhand Bal Vidhan Sabha is a child-led advocacy forum that aims to give a voice to over 0.4 crore children from Uttarakhand and works for their betterment. It runs in close patronage with the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) and receives attention from the state Assembly speaker.  

Goswami spoke to the media and expressed her feelings about the once in a lifetime opportunity she is given. 

“I still cannot believe if this is true. I am so overwhelmed. But at the same time, I will do my best to prove that youth can excel in administration while working for people’s welfare,” said Goswami.  

As the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Bal Vidhan Sabha, Goswami has been part of many important programs. According to reports, on the occasion of the National Girl Child Day, Goswami will review and assess various state-run schemes such as Atal Ayusman Scheme, Smart City project, Homestay Scheme by Uttarakhand tourism department, and other crucial development projects. These projects have so far been overseen and run under Trivender Singh Rawat’s government.  

It is reported that the various officials from multiple departments of the state government will give Goswami a detailed presentation before she takes the CM’s seat. Uttarakhand Child Rights Protection Commission has also sent a letter to the state’s Chief Secretary to ensure that all top officials are present during Goswami’s CM reign.  

Usha Negi, who serves as the chairperson of the Uttarakhand Child Rights Protection Commission, said, “The arrangements regarding this have already been made in the state assembly building in Gairsain. Srishti has been working with us for a while now and we are well aware of her capabilities.” 

Negi also said the program will be held in the State assembly building from 12 pm till 3 pm.  

Meanwhile, Goswami’s father spoke to a news agency and said, “Srishti is a brilliant child. She wants to work for the upliftment of girl students everywhere.”