Bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar has filed a complaint against a YouTuber and Twitter user for ‘intention to outrage modesty’. The actress has come forward and has claimed that some tweets and hashtags are being shared on social media which are objectionable in nature. The tweets and hashtags are in reference to a film that Bhaskar had done earlier. The actress has raised the FIR in a Delhi police station.


To troll or to not troll – that’s the question almost every avid social media user faces. The veil of anonymity provides social media a psychological barrier through which they can say anything without being called out. While most celebrities steer clear on speaking about controversial topics, some take to their social media and speak their mind. In consequence they are trolled by social media users.

On October 11, it was reported that outspoken Bollywood actress raised an FIR in Delhi after some objectionable hashtags and tweets were being shared on Twitter.

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The Facts of the Matter

Bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar has filed a criminal complaint against a Twitter user and YouTuber who have been behind circulating hashtags and messages that “outrage her modesty”. The actress in her interview to NDTV claimed that the hashtags were shared on Twitter in reference to a movie scene.

What Kind of Complaint has Swara Bhaskar Raised?

For now, the actress has claimed that law will take its own course and a criminal case has been raised in the Vasanth Kunj police station. The FIR against the said persons have been raised under multiple provisions of the Indian Penal Code. This includes Section 354D (Stalking), Section 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman), and the IT Act Section 67 (Punishment for publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form).

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Meanwhile, the actress has been actively putting her word in the ongoing matter. Sharing a recent interview clip where she spoke about the matter, Swara captioned, ” I am not alone. Suffering casual and everyday cyber sexual harassment is the price many women have to pay to have a voice in our public spaces..again it’s not okay!”

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Swara Bhaskar’s Recent Gripe on Aryan Khan’s Arrest

The actress in the recent days was actively speaking about the Aryan Khan drug case. In stories shared on Instagram, the actress claimed that Aryan’s arrest was part of a ‘witch hunt’. She further added that only Aryan and those near to him should worry about what happens in the matter.

“Aryan Khan is not your public elected official, responsible to you in any way for what he chooses to do in his life. He did not murder any of you or your relatives driving a jeep over them. He is not even owner of a port bringing thousands of kilograms of drugs into the country. If he is a drug snorting young man, too bad for him, his health, his dad’s reputation and wallet!! That’s it. There is a police, there is NCB and there is him and his loved ones. Nobody except that needs to be worried,” the message read.

She further added, “He is a kid for God’s sake! He did not sign a contract to be a role model for your children or society. He is not taking your taxes or votes. You can choose to follow him, his dad or unfollow them, boycott their twitter or films. But cut the kid some slack! Media today has no responsibility, it will show on loop what you consume. So say no to nonsense, atleast where it is so so juvenile and demeaning to your commonsense.”

Swara also spoke about media’s coverage of the Lakhimpur violence which happened on the same day as Aryan Khan’s arrest. “Ministers son who willfully mowed 4 people to death (evidence caught on video) is chilling at his home, while @iamsrk’s son #AryanKhan is in jail for smoking hash. Apparently in #NewIndia brutal murder is more acceptable than smoking a joint!”, her tweet read.

Earlier this year, during the Israel-Palestine conflict, Swara once again became the fodder of trolls. The actress stood in support of Palestine and labelled Israel as “terrorist state”.