Next Generation may not look like what we can think of. It is much more advanced and beyond the perception of the normal. Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Drones, IoT (Internet of things), 3-D Printing technology, highly intelligent computer programmes and software are no more thing of a far-future from today.
Robotics, AI & IoT will soon take over a lot of industries and those with proficient STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) skill set will be in the highest demands.

Zoom Robonauts, an Indore based Institution, has come up with an exclusive workshop in the city, especially for the children who wish to endeavour their future in the world of AI & Robotics. The institute aims to bring the children and their families to a learning platform where they learn about artificial intelligence, Internet of things & make their robots & drones.

Well, we all have our perceptions about future tech. Flying cars, with solar-powered engines, robots serving coffees in restaurants, drones delivering products and food at doorstep, teachers replaced with artificially intelligent robots taking lectures. What a bright and high technology-driven future it would be?

But where do you see yourself or your child in this pro-robotic era? The world technologies are escalating and global level organizations are switching towards Artificial intelligence & Robots.
Industries are switching towards AI & Robotics for handling menial works like manufacturing process, stock management, warehousing etc. It is profoundly being said that soon AI & Robotics will take over up to 60-70% of jobs currently being done by a human.

The world we live in has a lot of market scope for human need-based products and service. People can make good business by serving the needs of humans, helping them ease their lives. May it be medicinal treatments, health & fitness, logistics, education, travelling and every other thing. However, many of these services are to be soon taken over by Artificially Intelligent Robots. Then what will you or your kiddo?
Don’t worry. We have the solution.
Here’s the deal. In a world of humans, a person serving human needs is rich. Then, in a world full of artificially intelligent robots, the person who knows about robots and artificial intelligence will be rich. One who holds proficiency & skillset to create, modify, manipulate, communicate, control & monitor AI & Robotics technology & IoT will be the one in demand.
However, it’s not sorted yet. Your worries are not over here.

Why? You Ask… You think that you or your child getting good academics in their class and excelling in school level curriculum is enough. Well, you must not be worried if your child’s curriculum includes Artificial Intelligence & Robotics based learning programmes where they can learn how to create, modify & control robotics and AI. But, if it doesn’t, then I am sorry to say that you need to start worrying right now.
School these days have started to focus on bookish curriculum and even the best educational institutes, organizations & experts are unable to understand the need to incorporate AI, Robotics & IoT in the school-based curriculum.

Zoom Robonauts on the other end is extending its support to students between the age of 6 years to 16 years to come and learn the modern. The institute, based in Indore is aimed to provide rigorous learning to the students about how to make robotics and drones, teach them artificial intelligence concepts & about the Internet of Things.
The students get to learn machine languages which help them to code intelligent programmes. From making a robot from scratch, modifying them to learn different things, to communicating with them as well as controlling and monitoring their activities, everything is taught at Zoom Robonauts.

As per a study, kids who learn AI & Robotics eventually improvise their critical thinking skills. Robotics & AI are the future & will soon inflict the world. To become successful and earn newer achievements in a world where your competition is the technology itself, one needs to start working on their STEAM skills from today only.