In a shocking video caught on video, a tiger in a circus in Italy, ended up biting its trainer’s neck during live performance, after the trainer chose to ignore clear signs the tiger gave him to back off. Thankfully, the trainer in question survived to tell the tale of him being attacked by a tiger in the circus he is employed at. The incident occurred earlier on Thursday and was reported from Italian province of Lecce. The trainer was identified as 31-year-old Ivan Orfei.

The video of the incident shows the trainer poking the tiger with a stick, prompting it to leap on a table set up. The tiger, clearly annoyed with the ordeal, raises its paws and moves it in a striking motion, so as to signal the trainer to back off. The trainer meanwhile continues and at one point holds the tiger by the tail.

When the trainer leaves the spot and focuses on a second tiger, the annoyed first tiger slowly starts stalking him. The big cat sneaks up behind the trainer, who seems to have no situational awareness. In no time, the tiger starts to maul the trainer, and was only separated when an assistant struck the tiger with a table.

The Facts of the Matter

A circus trainer in Italy recently paid the price of taking the ‘tiger by its tail’, quite literally. The trainer, who failed to read the body language of an annoyed tiger, was attacked by the big cat, only to be put in hospital where his condition remains critical.

The incident, which took place at a circus in Lecce, Italy, involves 31-year-old trainer Ivan Orfei, whose neck and leg were bitten by the tige – all in front of a live crowd. On Thursday, Ivan Orfei was performing in front of the people when the incident took place, and some spectators were able to capture the video of the incident.

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What Does the Video Show?

A complete over-two-minute video on Reddit shows what truly transpired moments before the tiger attack. Ivan, the trainer is seen poking the tiger with a stick, and prompting it to jump on a table on his command. The tiger meanwhile is not having any of it, as it tries to make the trainer back off by striking its paw in the air as a mock attack.

The trainer fails to see the obvious signs the tiger his giving him, like clenching its teeth to show its aggression. At one point, Ivan the trainer goes as far as grabbing the tiger by its tail.

Ivan then moves away from the tiger, and goes to a second tiger at the other corner. One would expect that an experienced trainer would have some situational awareness as Ivan fails to notice that the first tiger is stalking him. The tiger has snuck up behind him and in the blink of an eye, starts biting him on his leg, and then moves to his neck.

According to reports, the trainer was only saved after his assistant struck the tiger with a table.

Watch the Video here:

Unclear Whether Tiger Would Be Put Down

The tiger was isolated after the attack, and it is not clear whether it would be put down as a consequence of the attack. Meanwhile, Ivan was discharged after receiving treatment at the Vito Fazzi hospital.

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“Commendable courage”: Circus Issues Statement

The circus meanwhile has called Ivan’s job and the courage he showed “commendable” in its statement. “Tigers are fascinating animals and knowing how to tame and establish them a relationship of trust with man is an art that has been taking place for hundreds of years not only in the circus world. However, accidents can happen and the courage shown by those like him who carry out this profession is commendable”.

“Ivan, a very talented professional trainer, was hit by a tiger during the show and fortunately suffered minor injuries and his condition is not cause for concern”.


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