Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff’s fitness trainer Kaizzad Capadia died due to COVID-19 recently. Tiger mourned Kaizzad’s loss on Instagram and shared a story which read ‘Rest in power Kaizzad sir’. The 49-year-old fitness trainer was also the owner of K11 School of Fitness Sciences. A one-of-a-kind academic institution, the K11 fitness school gave vocational training to those who want to excel in the high-value fitness industry in India. According to reports, the fitness trainer had already died when he was brought to the hospital.


A person may not be the biggest fan of Tiger Shroff’s acting, but it’s unarguable that the actor has put in tremendous amounts of efforts on his fitness levels and dancing skills. Since his debut in 2014 with the film Heropanti, the actor has established a niche for himself. He found roles in films that heavily relied on action, and has churned out great box office results from them.

But behind every exceptionally fit actor is the effort he made and the efforts made by his trainers. Recently, the fitness trainer of Tiger succumbed to COVID-19.

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The Facts of the Matter

Fitness expert and celebrity fitness training extraordinaire Kaizzad Capadia passed away in Mumbai on October 13 at 48 years of age. The trainer is survived by his wife who’s also in the business of fitness training and is a former kabaddi player herself. The trainer had extensively trained Tiger Shroff, who in his right is the epitome of physical fitness in Bollywood.

Kaizzad Suffered from COVID-19

According to an Indian Express report, the trainer was brought to the Sassoon General Hospital after he had passed out his Mumbai home. However, he was already dead when brought to the hospital. After an anti-gen test was taken, it was revealed that the trainer was COVID-19 positive and the cause of death was hence revealed to be COVID.

The trainer, according to his family members, had only taken his first dose of COVID-19 and that the trainer was unaware of being infected with the virus.

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“Rest in Power Kaizzad Sir”: Tiger Shroff’s Tribute

For the unversed, Capadia was not only the trainer of Tiger Shroff and other celebrities, but the founder of K11 School of Fitness Sciences. After his passing Shroff took to his Instagram and mourned the loss. Sharing a picture of Capadia, the actor captioned the image as “Rest in Power Kaizzad Sir”.

Tiger Shroff's Fitness Trainer Kaizad Capadia

Tiger Shroff’s Fitness Trainer Kaizad Capadia

Aspiring to Become Mr. Universe, Training the Bajaj Family

According to a Mid-Day report, Kaizzad during his teenage years aspired to win the Mr. Universe competition. After being considered one of the Top 10 bodybuilders in India during the 2000s, Kapadia trained the Bajaj family. Through his efforts and word-of-mouth, he received a slew of clients involving members of the Birla, Singhania and Garware families.

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Co-Founding the K11 Fitness Academy

In 2013, the trainer decided to take his fitness training aspirations to a different level and co-founded the K11 Fitness Academy. “At the K11 Fitness Academy, my quotes are put up in classrooms for my students to inspire them towards the right goals, and one such quote is: “Do not aspire to be a celebrity trainer. Instead, aspire to be a trainer, who is a celebrity in his/her own right,” he was quoted saying by Mid-Day.