Arnab Goswami said ‘something big will happen’ on WhatsApp chat three days before the Balakot Strike happened. Goswami also said ‘this attack we won like crazy’ on the day Pulwama Attack happened to refer to Republic TV getting TRP.
In a new development in the massive TRP Scam, the 500-page dossier of the alleged chats between Republic TV’s Arnab Goswami and BARC CEO Partho Dasgupta was released on social media. The chats not only reveal damning evidence related to Goswami’s relations with the PMO but also reveals Goswami’s knowledge about secret military missions beforehand.
In one such chat that is dated February 14, 2019, Goswami wrote, “This attack we have won like crazy.” This message was sent the same day of the Pulwama attack. 40 CRPF personnel lost their lives in the Pulwama attack when a convoy of vehicles that were carrying Indian security personnel was attacked on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway in Pulwama district.
It Seems Pulwama Was A Well Planned Attack On Jawans..
This Is The Nationalism Of These bigots…
— Anurag (@Anuragkukreti7) January 16, 2021
This is what nationalism is supposed to be?
“This attack we have won like crazy”
40 Jawans lost their lives.
— Pratik Sinha (@free_thinker) January 15, 2021
The alleged chats also go as far as revealing Goswami having prior knowledge about sensitive events involving Balakot airstrikes. The alleged chats indicate that Goswami was aware of the airstrikes 3 days prior to the event. The Balakot airstrike was carried out by Indian warplanes on February 26. Goswami discussed this event on February 23- three days before the mission that was top-secret.
In the alleged texts, Goswami tells Dasgupta that “something big” is going to happen. To this Dasgupta asks if it is “Dawood”. In reply Goswami replies, “No sir Pakistan. Something major will be done this time…. Bigger than a normal strike.”
One day after the airstrike, Dasgupta inquired Goswami if this is what he was talking about. To this Goswami replied, “More to come.”
Dear @PMOIndia who leaked eyes only secret – Balakote strike against Pakistani to Goswami? Is this how you protect military operations & the national interest?
— Swati Chaturvedi (@bainjal) January 15, 2021
Arnab knew about the Balakot Air Strikes three days before it happened!
He and his friend are chatting that this will “sweep the polls”. Who told him?
This is a clear criminal offence under OFFICIAL SECRETS ACT
Arnab must be immediately ARRESTED for this & tried for TREASON.
— Srivatsa (@srivatsayb) January 15, 2021
So Arnab had information on top Military secrets days before Balakot airstrike? 🔥😱#ArnabGoswami #ArnabGate— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) January 15, 2021
Arnab Goswami knew about the air strikes on Balakot, three days before they happened? Worse, he shared it on chat? Secrecy of military operations in India aren’t sacrosanct any more?
— Saikat Datta (@saikatd) January 15, 2021
In the alleged chats, Goswami also asked BARC CEO Dasgupta what could be done about pushing the TRP’s of his channel ahead of other competitors. The chat also reveals that Goswami joked about politicians and name-called various journalists. In the alleged chats, Goswami brings up Rajdeep Sardesai(“he is losing his job”), Aroon Purie (“part of a Cong propaganda machine”), Rajat Sharma (“an utter fool” with a “substandard channel), and other prominent Indian journalists. He also called business journalists “bloody bootlickers”.
Kangana and Republic TV TRP
The alleged chats also show Goswami and Dasgupta discussing Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and how she is helpful to Republic in garnering more TRPs. In one such alleged chat, Goswami says, “Kangana is a massive rating earner”.
“Give Me Advisor Kind Of Position” and the mystery of AS
The alleged messages also indicate Dasgupta knowing about Goswami’s influence in PMO. In one such message, Dasgupta asks Goswami to ‘speak to his contacts’ and to help Dasgupta work in PMO as an “advisor”. Dasgupta wrote, “If you can please get me a media advisor kind of position with PMO,” on October 16, 2019.
On 15th October 2019 Goswami mentions meeting ‘AS’. Although it is still unclear who Goswami was referring to, AS was mentioned in the conversation quite often.