Happy news for all UPSC examination aspirants. The government asked the SC to give an extra chance to the students who appeared for the examination in 2020 in between COVID-19 pandemic. 

On Friday, the supreme court agreed to provide one time relaxation to the UPSC civil service aspirants who appeared in the 2020 exams last attempt between the coronavirus pandemic. This exemption is available for those who are otherwise not age barred. 

The Supreme Court bench headed by Justice A. M. Khanwilkar was told by the Center to provide relaxation to the UPSC Civil Service exam aspirants. But this is only to the extent of providing one extra attempt for Civil Service Examination (CSE) and that to specifically limiting to CSE-2021.With that it was also added that this privilege may be granted to only those candidates who appeared for CSE-2020 as their last permissible attempt and are otherwise not age-barred from appearing in CSE-2021.

Applicable for:

  • CSE-2020 students who gave attempt in 2020
  • One time relaxation
  • Who have exhausted their permissible number of attempts

Not Applicable for:

  • No relaxation will be granted for CSE-2021 to those who have not exhausted their permissible number of attempts 

Though the government has clarified in advance that this is an advantage, an exception and is not to be treated as a rule.

Center also added that “shall not create any vested right whatsoever or any other purported right on ground of parity or otherwise, in favour of any other set/class of candidates at any time in the future.”

The hearing by the Supreme Court will be on February 8. By the time the Supreme Court bench had asked the Central government to circulate and asked the petitioners to file their responses to it.