“Educational institutions should emphasize physical development along with intellectual development of students”- said Vice President Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu.
Vice President Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu came to Indore on Thursday 08 August to attend the 2nd convocation of Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth University. At convocation, he addressed students, professors, staff and present dignitaries. He talked about education, health, yoga, employment and about how the government is targetted at developing the nation with the help of India’s Youth Power.
“Educational institutions of the country should emphasize on the physical development of students along with intellectual development, that is, they should be given technical, physical & yoga education as well. Education makes a person civilized and cultured. The main objective of education is not only to earn knowledge but also to serve the nation. The aim of education is to serve the family, society and country. Education makes a person a responsible citizen of the country. Students are should also pursue a job or self-employment along with education. This convocation is not the end of initiation but a beginning,” said the vice president.
On the occasion, he also said that education, hospital and politics are the fields of social service which is the essence of all religions.
He further said that Indian culture gives us inspiration for social service. In the Indian culture, “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin, Survey Santu Niramaya, Survey Bhadrani Pashyantu, Maa Kashti Dukh Bhagbha Bhavet” is envisaged. Indian culture teaches us to live together, eat together and live together. Thousands of years ago, Acharya Chanakya said, “Ayam Nij: Paraveeti, Gana Smallchasatam, Udarcharitanamu Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.” He gave the ideology of the entire earth as a family in that era. Acharya Chanakya was the first economist in the world to introduce the tax system.
He added about how the Government of India also wants to give women fair representation in every sphere of society. The basic objective of education should be social service and skill development. We need to make skill development a mass movement like the Swachh Bharat Mission. The aim of education should not just be to earn money.
He said that India was the world guru in ancient times. Nalanda and Taxila were world-class schools, where thousands of students studied. Ancient India has had scholars such as Sushruta, Dhanvantari, Bhaskaracharya and Varahamihira. Acharya Sushruta taught the world for the first time the procedure of general surgery and plastic surgery. In the Middle Ages, our country became a slave to the Mughals and the British. They looted and betrayed this country, due to which we fell behind. Now we want to make India the third-largest economy in the world through liberalization, privatization, standup and startup. India has exceptional managers like Indira Nui and Sundar Pichai.
He informed that on the initiative of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the United Nations has declared June 21 as World Yoga Day. On June 21 last, 176 countries together practised yoga. Yoga has been declared compulsory education in Chile and Guatemala. He said that yoga is not a political or religious program. Yoga keeps the body and minds healthy. Environmental reform is the biggest challenge in today’s era. There is a need to work in the field of plantation and protection of animals. Considering the increasing population of the country, water conservation and water augmentation are necessary. Human beings will be more healthy in the natural environment than air condition and the healthy body remains in a healthy body.
He said that Indore is not the only number one in cleanliness and food, but also number one in education and social service. The goodness here needs to be spread all over the world. Nowadays, it is the era of fast food. Fast food is causing new diseases. We should use traditional Indian food instead of pizza burgers because health is the biggest wealth.
All Indians who were born in India
He said that parents and gurus are the most important in human life. He said that education up to class X should be given in the mother tongue to children. The aim of education is not to awaken bookish knowledge but to awaken the conscience. Today’s young generation is the future of India, it should be used to follow law and rule. He said that those born in India are all Indians. Society cannot be divided in the name of women, men, caste and religion. Illiteracy and poverty in the country is a big challenge before us. In this country, people like Sant Kabir and Sant Tukaram also opposed discrimination of caste and religion. He said that mother and motherland are paramount ie “Janani Janmabhoomi Swargadpari Gariyasi”. He said that there is a larger family than a person, a society larger than a family, and a country larger than society.