Online scams have increased a lot during the Corona period. Now again a new WhatsApp Delivery scam has come to light. There is a new delivery scam is happening. Security researchers have issued a warning regarding this. WhatsApp users are made victims through this scam. WhatsApp users need to beware of this scam. Through this scam scammers can empty your entire bank account.

How They Scam

First of all, cybercriminals send such messages to WhatsApp users, in which they refer to themselves as a delivery company or to deliver the package. These hackers make the most of those people who are already waiting for another parcel. It says that to complete this process, users should click on a link or make a small payment to confirm the delivery. When anyone clicks on this type of link, they go to those websites, where they ask for more information or to pay for delivery.


What Information They Ask

When user opt the option of payment for delivery, they ask information about debit card, credit card and net banking etc. People are also asked for information including bank details, mobile number, e-mail and address. By the way, you should not give such information under any circumstances. This type of trick has been the most common way to cheat for some time now.

Malicious links

The safety of everyone’s wealth is in his own hands. A user should never click on such links. First it should be investigated and only then something should be done. Even if the user has a loan on a well-known website, big social media company and bank etc, they should not enter their username or password without confirming the link. The biggest thing is that if you have doubts on any website, do not use your debit card information or CVV number on such website.


What to Check

Check that the website is secure or not. A website with proper security always start with “https://” not with “http://”. ‘s’ in https stand for “secure”, it provides secure connection between you machine and the server.

What Kaspersky Suggest

Kaspersky said that users should never click on such links. They should pay attention to whether they ordered anything. If it was, when was it done and whether it was delivered or not. Scammers take advantage of this, because most people do not pay attention to it and click without thinking. In such a situation, without thinking, especially elderly people share their financial information.