Camouflaged as a general WhatsApp theme changing APK which is now largely targeting the media and police, WhatsApp pink is a dangerous malware link that secretly installs a virus on your smartphone, giving hackers the admittance to your personal device.
About WhatsApp Pink:
A message link usually is sent to some of the users claiming to provide the existing WhatsApp experience in a pink colour and upgrade to new features. But, instead of upgrading to new features, it leads to a page with a link which gets the users to install a corrupted version of WhatsApp pink application on their smartphone. This app has relations neither with WhatsApp nor with its parent company Facebook.
However, as per cyber security professionals, it’s a virus that allows cybercriminals to hack your phone and get access to your data. The virus may covertly take control of your WhatsApp account, and you won’t be able to access it back.
WhatsApp Pink virus is completely different from the WhatsApp flaw that was brought to light a week back. WhatsApp flaw only allowed villainous body to suspend the user’s WhatsApp account. However, the newfound virus not only stops users from accessing their WhatsApp account but also gives hackers an unofficial access to their phone.
WhatsApp released its official statement on this current scam. One of the WhatsApp spokesperson addressed the Press Trust of India: – “Anyone can get an unusual, uncharacteristic or suspicious message on any service, including email, and anytime this happens we strongly encourage everyone to use caution before responding or engaging. On WhatsApp in particular, we also recommend that people use the tools that we provide within the app to send us a report, report a contact or block contact.”
A link to download the app was primarily sent to the police officers in Delhi and Rajasthan. An independent cyber security expert Rajshekhar Rajaharia was made aware about WhatsApp Pink by Delhi Police inspector Data Ram Yadav, who at first place found about the circulation of messages in the police groups on WhatsApp.
In this reference, Rajaharia tweeted to spread awareness about this virus and related scam, he quoted in his tweet: –
“Beware of @WhatsApp Pink!! A Virus is being spread in #WhatsApp groups with an APK download link. Don’t click any link with the name of WhatsApp Pink. Complete access to your phone will be lost. Share with All… #InfoSec #Virus @IndianCERT @internetfreedom @jackerhack @sanjg2k1 “
Beware of @WhatsApp Pink!! A Virus is being spread in #WhatsApp groups with an APK download link. Don’t click any link with the name of WhatsApp Pink. Complete access to your phone will be lost. Share with All..#InfoSec #Virus @IndianCERT @internetfreedom @jackerhack @sanjg2k1
— Rajshekhar Rajaharia (@rajaharia) April 17, 2021
It is advised that the user should not click on any malicious link and keep your privacy protected.