A bizarre and unfortunate incident has gone viral on social media after a woman from Utah accidentally swallowed an Apple AirPod.

52-year old Tanna Barker was on her morning walk when she ran into a friend and started conversing. At one point, she decided to take her vitamins and popped a pill in her mouth, washing it down with some water. However, she soon realized to her shock that what she had swallowed was not a vitamin pill but her AirPod.

In a TikTok video that has now garnered over 2 million views, Barker recounted how she could feel the AirPod going down slowly as she drank water to help it pass through. Once she reached home and told her husband about the embarrassing mishap, he advised her not to tell anyone. But Barker decided to share the incident on TikTok anyway.

Video Goes Viral with Amused Reactions

The video soon went viral with people invested in Barkerโ€™s unique plight. Many users found humor in the situation, with one commenting โ€œWhen you get it back, it will be an ipood.โ€

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Woman Advised to Let AirPod Pass Naturally

After consulting with doctors and friends, Barker was advised to let the AirPod pass through her system naturally. AirPods are designed with an encapsulated battery so they can safely pass through the digestive tract without issue.

Barker provided an update in a follow-up TikTok video, confirming that the AirPod had indeed passed through her system without incident. She said she was grateful to have been able to maintain a positive mindset throughout the wild and unexpected experience.

While swallowing an AirPod is extremely rare, Barkerโ€™s story serves as a cautionary reminder to be mindful when taking pills or supplements, especially while distracted. Thankfully for her, the embarrassing mishap ended well, providing many with some much-needed laughter and amusement.

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