The owner of Baba Ka Dhaba, Kanta Prasad is now amid the social media limelight once again. This time he can be seen apologizing the YouTuber/Blogger Gaurav Wasan on Social Media. In a video posted by Karan Dua on Instagram, He can be heard saying, “Gaurav Wasan was not a thief.”
A brief backstory about Baba Ka Dhaba and its overnight success through Gaurav Wasan
‘Baba Ka Dhaba’, a tiny roadside kiosk, which had been running by Kanta and his wife in Malviya Nagar area, was the talk of the town last year after food blogger Gaurav Wasan used social media to highlight the elderly couple’s livelihood struggles during COVID-19.
Here’s the video which Gaurav Wasan posted on his official Instagram handle, which gained the public’s attention and started supporting Kanta Prasad
Also Read: Baba Ka Dhaba Owner Opens His Own Restaurant In Delhi
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Soon enough, Gaurav had managed to bring in lump sum donations and customers to the Baba Ka Dhaba kiosk. During the same time, Kanta Prasad had opened a new restaurant while also managing to pay all his debts and buy smartphones for his family.
Also Read: ‘Everything has fallen apart’: Bhuvan Bam Mourns Loss of Parents to COVID-19 in Emotional Note
Kanta Prasad’s allegations on Gaurav, and how the tables turned
Things took a turn when the 80-year-old Kanta went on to file a police case against Gaurav for allegedly swindling the donations, while also publicly stating that he never asked for the blogger’s help and that he had approached the couple on his own.
As per the allegations, Dehli Police filed a complaint against the YouTuber, and the police also disclosed that Kanta in the complaint has said that-
“The said video went viral and as per the complainant, Wasan deliberately shared only his and his family members’ bank details and mobile number for donation and collected a huge amount of donation and later cheated Prasad.”
Gaurav was left with nothing but to deny the charges after which he defended himself by displaying his own bank statements. Unfortunately for Kanta, his new restaurant did not kick-off and was forced to shut down in February, forcing him to come back to his roadside kiosk once again.
Here’s a video of Kanta Prasad explaining why he shut down his restaurant
Baba Ka Dhaba's Kanta Prasad shuts down the new eatery, (opened in December 2020) due to losses. He says, "On an investment of Rs 1 lakh, we only earned Rs 35,000, thats' why shut it. I'm happy to run my old eatery as customer footfall is good here."
— ANI (@ANI) June 8, 2021
Now Kanta Prasad is apologizing Gaurav, states that it was a ‘misunderstanding’
On Saturday, in another video shared by another food blogger on his channel, now, the 80-year-old “Baba” is seen taking his words back. With folded hands, Mr. Prasad says-
“Gaurav Wasan was not a thief. We never called him a thief. It was a misunderstanding which led to this.”
All through the video he can be seen sincerely apologizing.
Mr. Prasad says in Hindi, and asks for forgiveness from people for the allegations that had given a dark twist to this rags-to-riches story. He says that-
“The universe knows that Gaurav was not a thief.”
Here’s the video
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Karan captioned the video taking a poll on the audience, he pens down, “Baba Ka Dhaba Owner – Gaurav Wasan Chor Nahi Tha Mujhe Maaf Kardo. Whats your view for Baba Ka Dhaba ? #Dilsefoodie”
Reactions pile up on Social media, Netizens call it ‘Karma’
A User on Twitter quoted the video by saying- “When Karma hits you hard. #BabaKaDhaba”
When KARMA hits you very Hard…
Karma Returns.. #BabaKaDhaba
— Sanskaari Ladka ™🌹 (@RockstarAmit) June 12, 2021
Another user framed a phrase and posted it on twitter
Back to old life !! Social media is all about minute fame than it forgets !
— रञ्जना (@little_light) June 8, 2021
There were many reactions over the fact that how Baba gained success through Gaurav and then he brought him down and now karma is acting up and now Baba is apologizing Gaurav.