Elon Musk has opened up about his strained relationship with his 19-year-old transgender daughter, partly blaming her expensive private school in Los Angeles for her radical political views.

Rift Began After Daughter’s Transition

Musk initially learned about his daughter’s transition from male to female and new name, Jenna, from his brother’s wife in a text message saying “Don’t tell my dad.” Though Musk was initially supportive, their relationship deteriorated rapidly afterwards according to his biographer Walter Isaacson.

Musk believes the ultra-progressive school his daughter attended, Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences, turned her against him by instilling communist political beliefs. He claims she has completely cut off contact with him after becoming “a fervent Marxist” who thinks “anyone rich is evil.”

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Only School to Blame?

While Musk pins the blame for his daughter’s worldview on her schooling, their relationship was likely strained by more factors. Musk has frequently made controversial public statements criticizing pronouns, has mocked transgender people on Twitter, and has advocated criminalizing gender affirmation procedures for minors.

Though Musk feels spurned by his daughter’s rejection, building a strong relationship will require patience, understanding and leaving past hurts behind. There are always two sides to complex family stories. Musk’s reaction shows relationships often need work during major life transitions like a child exploring their identity.

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