In a part-hilarious, part-shocking incident, a beer guzzling alcoholic monkey in UP’s Raebareli has become a nuisance for local shops and its owners. A video has recently emerged which shows the monkey quenching its thirst by guzzling beer straight from the bottle. As per a Free Press report, the monkey has been accused of stealing beer from humans and guzzling it down in the premises of the local alcohol shops.

The incident was brought to the notice of netizens after an Achalganj-based liquor shopkeeper shared the details to media and expressed his displeasure. An NDTV report later quoted District Excise Officer Rajendra Pratap Singh saying how efforts are on to deal with the beer-addicted creature. Further, assistance of the forest department has also been sought to catch the monkey.

As per reports from Achalganj, when the shopkeepers took to the local authorities about the non-paying ancestor of humans, they just asked to fend it off. Further, the shopkeepers also complained that if they resisted the monkey, it would scratch and bite people.

Earlier in 2020, a monkey named ‘Kalua’, was given “life-sentence” for similar “charges”. The monkey was owned by an occultist, who got it addicted to alcohol. Over the course of years, the monkey started getting more and more aggressive, and it was said that he bit as many as 250 persons in Mirzapur.

The Facts of the Matter

Anyone who has visited temples in India, or across several Asian countries, would know the menace monkeys can create. These otherwise looking cute creatures often steal things from local tourists, and before one could react, disappear from the spot. Recently, some shopkeepers in Raebareli have been frustrated due to nuisance created by a monkey.

The monkey in question is reportedly addicted to alcohol, and has been seen stealing booze from shopkeepers and customers alike. Various Achalganj-based shopkeepers have been frustrated with this non-paying human ancestor, and have since complained to authorities.

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Beer Drinking Monkey in Raebareli Caught on Video

Recently, the monkey was also caught on cam drinking a beer. In the video now gone viral, the monkey can be seen guzzling down beer straight from a Kingfisher bottle. Without fear of being caught, the monkey stays on the spot, and indulges in some chilled beer.

Watch Video here:

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Liquor Shopkeepers Frustrated

According to reports, the monkey is known for breaking into liquor store, and decamping with liquor. As per an Achalganj-based liquor shopkeeper, the monkey is difficult to control, as he is known for scratching and biting if one resists him from stealing booze.

The situation has gone to a point that local alcohol dealers have taken to the authorities to file a complaint. Initially the authorities dismissed fend off.

Forest Officers to be Roped In

However, after multiple such instances, the District Excise Officer Rajendra Pratap Singh has taken matters in his hand. He also told media that officers from Forest Department are being roped in to catch the beer drinking monkey.

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The Infamous Story of Alcoholic ‘Kalua’

Earlier in 2020, a similar incident was reported from UP’s Mirzapur district, where a monkey was given “life sentence” for its drunk shenanigans. The monkey ‘Kalua’, was a pet of a local occultist who had gotten it hooked on alcohol. Over the course of time, Kalua became addicted to alcohol.

After its owner’s demise, the monkey was deprived of alcohol, and it went on a spree of bite-related incidents. So much so that it was reported that 250 persons were bitten by the monkey, of whom, one died.

Kalua was later caught, and taken to the Kanpur zoo. After keeping it in the zoo in isolation, the authorities discovered that there was no change in Kalua’s behavior, and decided to keep its in an enclosure for the rest of its life.


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