A young engineering graduate from Vijayawada recently fell prey to an elaborate online scam and lost Rs 20 lakh, highlighting the need for greater awareness about cyber frauds targeting job seekers.

K Harshavardhan, a recent engineering graduate searching for software jobs, joined a Telegram group called “Developer Professionals” on the recommendation of a friend. The group claimed to provide employment opportunities to young engineers and developers.

Scammer Offers Fake Job, Cons Him of Rs 20 Lakh

After joining the group, Harshavardhan began conversing with one of the so-called job providers. The scammer offered him a lucrative job opportunity at LTI Mindtree in Bengaluru in exchange for a fee of Rs 20 lakh. Over two months between July and August, Harshavardhan transferred the money in phases to the fraudster’s bank account, hoping to secure the job.

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Victim Realizes He Has Been Duped

However, when Harshavardhan approached LTI Mindtree to collect his appointment letter, he realized that he had been duped. The company had no record of the job offer or Fraudster he had interacted with on Telegram. Harshavardhan immediately approached the police and filed an FIR, but the hefty sum had already been lost.

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Police Urge Caution Against Job Scams

Police investigations revealed that the Telegram group was likely created solely for the purpose of scamming gullible job seekers like Harshavardhan. The fraudsters took advantage of his desperation to find employment by promising him a lucrative but fake job opportunity.

This case highlights the need for greater awareness and vigilance against the rising trend of online scams targeting unemployed youth across the country. Police have urged job seekers to only use verified employment portals and be wary of dubious people offering jobs in exchange for upfront fees on messaging platforms and social media groups. Proactive measures are required to curb this menace and prevent further incidents.

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