In Telangana, parents of a doctor came forward and alleged that 100 goons stormed their house and kidnapped their 24-year-old daughter. Video of the incident shows several dozen men storming the house of the women, attacking her family as other bystanders turn into mute spectators. Some men can be seen carrying sticks and other objects to attack and retaliate in case of resistance. The incident was reported from Telangana’s Ranga Reddy district, near Hyderabad.

As per Vaishali’s parents, around 100 men stormed their house and forcibly abducted their daughter. In a video from the incident gone viral, dozens of men can be seen wreaking havoc, vandalizing the house of the victim, smashing windows of cars, and beating another man with sticks and other objects.

After a complaint was filed in the matter, the cops took immediate cognizance of the matter and kicked off a rescue operation, which was successful. The accused in the matter has been alleged to be Naveen Reddy, a man who had been harassing Vaishali and forcing her into marrying him. Naveen allegedly gathered the mob and led them into abducting her.

Naveen owns a franchise of a tea store, and had put up a café opposite to Vaishali’s home. After she was rescued, the café was demolished.

The Facts of the Matter

In an incident straight out of a 90s Bollywood film, a woman was forcibly taken away by a mob of at least 100 youths, after she turned down the proposal of a jilted lover. Thankfully, the woman was successfully rescued after cops took immediate measures. The incident was reported from Telangana’s Ranga Reddy district.

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Woman a Dentist, Daughter of Army Man

The woman in question was identified as 24-year-old Vaishali, a dentist by profession. Daughter of an ex-army man, Vaishali is a BDS graduate, who was working as a house surgeon. She was abducted from her house in Adibatla village, and the video of the incident has been making rounds of social media.

Watch the Video here:

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Parents Give Horrific Account of Incident

As per the woman’s parents, at least a mob of 100 men stormed into their home, attacked anyone who came in their way, and abducted their daughter Vaishali. The youths were caught on a video smashing window of a car, thrashing another man by dragging him out of the house, and carrying sticks and rods to retaliate if someone resists their actions.

Accused and Abducted Woman Were Close

After the cops took cognizance of the matter, Vaishali was successfully rescued. Naveen Reddy, a tea-store franchise owner has been alleged to be the accused in the incident, as per the family’s allegations. Naveen and Vaishali met at a badminton court where they became close. As per an NDTV report, Naveen gifted Vaishali a car from his marketing business.

However, when he proposed marriage, Vaishali rejected it. Since then, he started harassing her. Due to his persistent harassment, Vaishali also filed a stalking related complaint with the cops.

As per reports, earlier this week, when Vaishali was to be engaged, Naveen along with dozens of men, barged into her home, and abducted her.

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16 People Arrested So Far

Following the incident, Mahesh Bagwath, Rachakona police commissioner issued a statement which read – “A total of 16 people have been arrested so far under attempt to murder, kidnapping, criminal trespass. The woman was rescued within six hours. We will ensure a fast-track trial and conviction for sure.”


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