A night of anticipated musical entertainment turned to tragedy on Friday when a glass railing collapsed at a crowded nightclub in the Mexican city of San Luis Potosí. The incident at the Rich Bar in Plaza Altus claimed the lives of three young attendees and left 16 others injured, several critically.

Chaos and Overcrowding

Witnesses describe a scene of overcrowding chaos as a large crowd awaited the performance of popular singer Kevin Moreno from Culiacán. With the venue packed beyond capacity, excessive pressure built up in the corridors outside the bar area. Suddenly, a glass railing on the third floor gave way, sending people plummeting approximately 12 meters (39 feet) down to the bar below.

Emergency Response and Aftermath

Emergency responders rushed to the chaotic scene, where some victims suffered severe injuries while others experienced emotional trauma. Five of the injured were listed in critical condition. Authorities cordoned off the area as medical personnel worked frantically.

By the next morning, the Rich Bar had been officially closed by city officials due to the severity of the incident. Planned headliner Kevin Moreno’s performance was canceled in light of the tragic turn of events.

Call for Improved Safety Measures

This devastating incident has raised serious concerns about crowd safety and proper venue regulations in the region. As victim support resources are provided, local authorities have pledged a full investigation into what allowed such a structural failure to occur despite occupancy codes.

Industry experts emphasize such preventable tragedies underscore the utmost importance of enforcing crowd control measures and ensuring the integrity of entertainment venues to provide a safe environment for all attendees.


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