In a heroic moment caught on camera, a wrestler turned bouncer ended up preventing a mass-shooting at a Tampa club in US by taking down an armed man and becoming the hero for the day. The Mons Venus was packed with around 200 people when a deranged gunman tried to force his way into the strip club early on a Sunday morning. Manny Resto, a former professional wrestler turned security guard, intercepted Michael Rudman, who was wearing a devil mask and wielding a 9mm pistol.

Resto, known as the “Puerto Rican Punisher,” saw Rudman raise his gun towards the door and decided that he would not allow anyone to enter the club and hurt anyone. The two men engaged in a brawl, which was captured on the club’s security cameras.

Resto knocked the gun away from Rudman and held him at gunpoint while another bouncer, Danny Baham, helped subdue him. The gun went off during the struggle, but it only hit the club’s door. The fight left the security guards with minor injuries.

The Tampa Police Chief, Lee Bercaw, said he was reminded of the 2016 mass shooting at Pulse, a night club in Orlando, that left 49 people dead and 53 wounded. He credited Resto and Baham with preventing a similar tragedy.

The Facts of the Matter

In a world where danger lurks around every corner, it’s easy to overlook the everyday heroes who protect us. Security guards, in particular, are often seen as unassuming figures who simply perform routine tasks to keep us safe.

However, when faced with danger, these seemingly ordinary individuals can rise to the occasion and become heroes. This was the case at the Mons Venus strip club in Tampa, where a security guard’s quick thinking and bravery thwarted a potential mass shooting and saved several lives.

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Uneventful Night Turns Dangerous

It was just another Saturday night at the Mons Venus strip club in Tampa, Florida, until a man arrived with a devil’s mask on and a loaded firearm in hand. But thanks to the quick thinking and bravery of the club’s wrestler-turned bouncer, what could have been a deadly shooting was instead averted.

Video Footage Shows Bouncer’s Heroic Deed

As the clock struck 1:15am on Sunday, March 19, suspect Michael Rudman approached the entrance of the strip club. But he was not alone in his mission. He carried a weapon, and he was ready to use it. Security guard Manny Resto caught sight of the gun in Rudman’s hand. Acting on instinct, Resto lunged for the weapon, starting a brawl with the armed suspect.

For a moment, the two men grappled for control of the firearm, as patrons inside the club remained blissfully unaware of the danger that loomed outside. Suddenly, the gun slipped out of Rudman’s grasp and fell to the ground. Resto seized the opportunity to pick it up, pointing it directly at Rudman.

Resto used his years of experience as a professional wrestler to fight back, landing a powerful blow to Rudman’s head with the weapon he had just wrestled from him.

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Incident Could Have Ended in Tragedy

It was only after the dust had settled that the full extent of Rudman’s plan became clear. Police found two additional fully loaded magazines in his pocket, along with knives and firearm holsters in his truck. The words “KILL” and “DARKK ONE” tattooed on his arms raised more questions than they answered.

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Wrestler Turned Bouncer Called Hero

Rudman has been jailed with no bond and faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Despite the danger he faced, Resto did not hesitate to act, and Bercaw praised him and another bouncer as “two great heroes who need to be recognized.”


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